
We at Bauergården are in an exciting period as we develop our sustainability work for a better and more sustainable future, for us and for our guests. We want to be a guide in sustainability issues, and show other actors that it is possible.

Bauergården is located in one of UNESCO’s biosphere areas, Östra Vätterbranterna. In a biosphere reserve, it is extra  important to work to preserve nature and protect the small-scale and our vision is to help all our guests to make sustainable choices. This starts with ourselves, in all stages of our business. And when you stay with us it should be easy for you to take the right chioces.

Ecological sustainability

For us, ecological sustainability is about preserving our resources in the long term. We try to do this by working with our core values Remove – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Choose Right. One part of this is that we have our own waste management for both our selves and for our guests. We also work with local suppliers to reduce transports and contribute to an open landscape and living agriculture, we are using more organic products and we are working on improving our vegetarian menu. We offer charging stations for electric cars, have replaced plastic with grass/paper/wood, working for reduce food waste and with close-to-nature experiences, and a lot more.

How can you as a guest help us with ecological sustainability?

  • Choose the more sustainable options on our menus!
  • Ask to keep sheets and towels for several days, as you do at home. Then we reduce the use of chemicals, and save both water and energy!
  • At buffets, only pick up the food you can eat.
  • Ask for a doggy bag and we reduce food waste!
  • Do not shower longer than you need to.
  • Turn off the lights when leaving your room and don’t leave the window open for too long.
  • Pick up litter after you in nature.

Financial sustainability

Economic sustainability is about managing human and material resources in the long term. Among other things, we work on cost effective purchases, more efficient planning, and reduce food waste.

Social sustainability

For us, social sustainability is about happy and healthy employees who are encouraged and enjoy their work. Bauergården is a member of VISITA, but constantly works to exceed the industry standard, and be even better!

We also try to favor small, local producers, and work a lot with the farmers and artisans who are nearby.

Climate compensation

When you book accommodation, a pitch or a conference, you can choose to climate compensate your stay. We support projects in agroforestry, which is a type of forest farming where you e.g. planting trees and shrubs in fields. Among other things, this is positive for biological diversity, it is climate positive as the trees and bushes bind carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and it improves soil quality.

The Sustainability package

With our Sustainability package, you can enjoy the very best and at the same time contribute to a better world. The food you are served is prepared with organic and locally produced ingredients and we are constantly working to develop our sustainability work and place great emphasis on continuously training our staff. With the climate compensation, you contribute to, among other things, the planting of trees that bind carbon dioxide and increased biological diversity.

Privacy policy

We protect your personal integrity in all contact with us. Read more in our privacy policy (in Swedish), where we explain how your personal data is processed and protected, your rights and how you can assert them.